Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bike Ride Andover to Lebanon

Yesterday and today (Aug 8th & 9th), Jim Lerner and I rode our bikes from East Andover to Lebanon and back. I used my mountain bike and Jim used his hybrid.

At 10:00 AM, we started from the home of Alex and Myra Burnhard who have a lovely home there on a hill. We rode 1.4 miles down the hill to mile marker 43 on the trail. We had a nice, leisurely ride to Tewksbury pond where we stopped to eat the lunch Myra had made for us. We to there at about 1:15 and ate lunch by the side of the lake.

Barbara had agreed to meet us in Lebanon at around 3:00 PM. I had tried to phone her without success several times to tell her that we would be late. At 1:45, I decided to hurry to Lebanon so that she would not be waiting alone for us. I told the others to relax and take their time.

I finally got through to her on a bad connection and told her that I would be late. She headed to TJ Max in West Lebanon. I finally made it to Lebanon at 3:05 after doing the last 8.5 mile stretch in 35 minutes. I called Barbara and she got there at around 3:30. We then waited for the others until 4 or so. It turns out that Myra had had a leaky tire that required regular re-pumping.

We than all went to the Norwich Inn which turned out to be lovely. We there met Suzanne, a friend of Jim’s who joined us on the patio for drinks. Later we had a nice dinner (Suzanne had left) and retired to our lovely rooms.

The next morning, Barbara and I went to the King Arthur Flour store where we purchased a multi-tier spring form pan and some cake pan insulating straps. We met Jim for breakfast at the inn and had a hearty mean. Alex and Myra had eaten elsewhere at a spot where they loved the coffee.

We then all drove to Lebanon. Jim and I started out at 10:10. Alex had developed a sore the day before and decided not to ride, so Barbara drove the two of them home. Jim and I stopped in Danbury for a sandwich and finally made it back to chez Alex and Myra at 3:00 PM. His speedometer says that we had been riding for just under 4 hours.

By this time, we were both suffering from sore butts – mostly I think due to the very bumpy stretch from Danbury to Caanan or so. But all in all it was a pleasant excursion. It is a great ride and the Norwich Inn is a lovely getaway.

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